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You will never know me
You will never know me
Forfatter: Dragonfly
Skrevet: 2014-02-28 13:40:35
Version: 1.1
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You will never know me
Though I may say you do
And even if I call you friend
You’ll never have a clue

The dark and twisted piece of me
That lurks behind the veil
I could never tell you of him
‘Cause then everything would fail

I have to keep him out of sight
And take the fight alone
And even though I’m filled with fright
I cannot afford to loose

If I break and he gets out
He’ll bring the world to its knees
The blood and pain will consume it all
Of that I have no doubt

So I must keep myself on top
Keep both me and him under control
But sometimes at night I have to stop
And let the dreams run crimson red

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