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Broken Down
Broken Down
Forfatter: BigNerdBeard
Skrevet: 2015-07-12 04:30:14
Version: 1.0
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You feel

Broken down

Like this will be the end

And he will leave

Without a single goodbye

Not as much as a

'I love you'

Not even as much as a

Single wave

Left broken down

With tears staining your cheeks

And pain straining your voice

Hurt clear in your eyes

If he left

And the sadness grew

If you finally broke down

And stopped staying strong

Maybe he would regret

Ever leaving you behind

Without even a kiss goodbye

Or maybe the hatred

Behind his actions

The anger behind all he did

Would keep the guilt

From filling his heart

Maybe it would be your turn

To realize

What he had

That the heartbreak

Had been started

Before you even met

And that it grew

And you broke down

Crumbling more with every wrongful action

Like an avalanche

It became more hurtful

It grew more and more

Until the weight of the truth

The size of the lies

Crushed you

He left in the night

Falling apart

And you did the same

As the slam of the door

Echoed through your empty hearts

He left

Broken down

And you let him leave

Broken down

And you were ripped apart

Two broken hearts

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