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Empty Inside
Empty Inside
Forfatter: MariaBeuc
Skrevet: 2012-05-21 13:30:15
Version: 1.2
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I keep you in my arms. 
In my head, I don't see you're greef and dissapointment. 
I only see you're happiness and bliss. 
Every night you say you love me. I purposely ignore the silent hope in your voice.
I see the adoration in your eyes. I choose to ignore the sadness resting in behind the happiness.
You already know, jet you torture yourself with hope. How much more can you take? 
I know this sorrow of yours. I have felt it... I know the burning hole, it will eventually create. 
It's only a matter of time..
I cannot ease this sorrow of yours.
I cannot stop the crater it will leave on your soul.
I can only watch, silently, on the sideline.
You know my story..
You once said, it was more like a horror movie, than a life.
I have felt true mental pain, as well as psysical. It has left me hollow, an empty shell.
You tried savning me. But the world already knew you were too late..
I cannot save you, as I do not know how. I have never experienced hope, nor rescue.
You chose to love this empty shell.
I do not harbor any emotien towards you. But I have grown use to your kindness and cherfull personality.
I dare not trust.
You treet me with such gentleness, like if you don't, I will breake into pieces.
Every day, you see me dissapearing, piece by piece.
Slowly dissolving with time.
I cannot love you. So I beg you, leave me. Let me dissapear, live your own life.
I cannot watch you dissapear. Cannot stand the thought of your kind and cheerful nature, dissapear.
I cannot.
I will not.
So please.. I beg you.. Leave this empty shell of mine.
Get a life, a wife that loves you back, kids..
Just..... Please...Let me go..

Lau G.N.2012-06-05 23:39:12

kraftig tekst, om noget jeg desværre kender til..

håber ikke du selv har gået igennem dette.
ellers vil jeg gerne snakke med dig om det hvis du vil..

godt skrevet..fortsæt endelig C):)


PS; Genialt med musikken C):)

Anne.2012-07-19 22:54:51

Hold da op sikke en tekst, der går lige i hjertet!
Meget velfortalt omkring det at være splittet!

Imponerende arbejde! Mvh. Anne

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