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The Fallen Angel Or The Death Of A Stranger
The Fallen Angel Or The Death Of A Stranger
Forfatter: HenryPercival
Skrevet: 2015-07-11 15:49:40
Version: 1.0
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The momentary grief of losing a pet is matched only by the everlasting grief of losing a loved one. This was how Alicia felt when she had just received the news regarding her recently deceased mother. Death stood beside her. The only way he could complete his job was if he saw the sadness that he was responsible for. This wasnt meant in a twisted sadistic way, but in a rather pitiful way, if seen from a certain point of view. The only way Death could continue working was if he saw the pain he had caused, he had to see what horrors he had committed in the name of his job. He hated it, I would even go so far as to say that he despised it. He despised watching people suffer. But it was his only option. Leaving his job simply hadn’t occurred to him, not at all.
He looked upon Alicia with a melancholic look on his face. He was sad, he had lost everything of meaning and importance to him. Now the only thing that remained was himself in the darkness. Forever doomed to cause grief.
The Fallen AngelӬorӬThe Death Of A Stranger.
Death was once a highly respected angel, who had pledged his life and existence to god. Death enjoyed walking around the gardens, viewing his fathers handiwork. He enjoyed it so much that when had been a kid of about eleven years, he had built a fortress up high on a tree and slept there the night after. Of course god, his father came to fetch him down the following morning. There were many of his fathers opinions Death didn’t agree with, for example: Why did he create mosquitoes? This his father refused to answer, with the hope of Death finding the answer for himself. Death had many questions, one of them were as follows. “Why are the no adult angels?”. This his father had answered with a smile and said “Because they haven’t grown up yet.”
His father was kind, and loved all his children equally.”¨Then it changed. His father changed. God felt empty, he was longing for more than peace and happiness. So he created the humans, flawed in every way you can think of. God changed, he too became flawed. He decided that he would rule over the humans. He denied them freedom and free will. They would obey him, and no one else. Of course, as is in any government, some of the angels disagreed with this new regime over the humans, but they remained silent. It was only when God announced that the humans would start dying that the angels stood up for the humans. Sadly it was no use. The angels that had stood up for the humans were flung to the earth and exiled from gods realm. Death, still stood by his father, even though he had changed dramatically. Death was assigned to the role of Mortem Orbisque. Wich brings us back to the start of the story.”¨- Hénry Percival.

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