Smoke and memories | ||
Anxiously I watch the clock The hours ticking by slowly Waiting for the clock to strike twelve Now is the time for sleeping But I use it to Cut scream purge cry and feel guilty It's just one day out of many They all fade into memories as the time goes Now the memories fade away Only to be replaced by new ones That will eventually fade too Because nothing lasts forever Everything disappears And nobody stays Slowly fading away like smoke from a fire Except this fire is everlasting The old smoke always being replaced Replaced with new darker smoke Like my memories is replaced with new The new ones darker and bloodier All clean air has been replaced It's gone And it's never coming back. |
haleløs | 2014-12-12 09:03:35 | |
what a sad picture about cutting, purging and air-pollution! Hopefully you'll one day paint a much happier one!
sincerely ...
NB 'fade to+O' , 'nothing last+S forever'
sincerely ...
NB 'fade to+O' , 'nothing last+S forever'
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I'll fix the mistakes later thanks. :)