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The mask of insanity
The mask of insanity
Forfatter: MariaBeuc
Skrevet: 2012-10-22 00:45:10
Version: 1.2
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I close my eyes
and I wait
I wait for everything
and nothing
I see Darkness
in the mist of Light
I find pain
buried in happiness
I walk through Hell
in the presence of Heaven
I Hate
in a world of love

I live in a world full of joy
but all I feel, all I see, is violence
All I see is lie's
the lie's of people, who hide behind masks of love

I see Death
where there's Life
And where you see Love
my eyes are blind

When I close my eyes
I remember
I remember love and happiness
I remember smiling
and laughing
I remember people, without masks
I remember looking at you
and feeling love
and you looking back
I remember loving life, the way it feels inside

And I wanna cry, cry all my sorrow out
cry so that you can hear me
But I can't....
My heart cries, and it's tears, come out as smiles
my mask
is smiles, they are the tears of my heart
and the sorrow within
But you don't see it
not because you can't
but because you don't wan't to..
You see everything, but you turn your head... away from me...

And that is why my heart cries
Not because I'm misserable
or because my life is hell...
But because you won't look at me
Because You don't Care enough to heal me, to stop my tears...
Because You are too afraid... afraid to see faults in my heart... afraid to find faults and realise that You did nothing to stop them from occuring...
Therefore I'm dying
not my body, but my mind...
I'm slowly, but surely, losing my mind...
I'm going mad, and I laugh
not because I feel happy, but because I wanna shut out my tears...
So instead of crying
I laugh
'cause thats what You wan't to see...

I have a story to tell
but I don't remember it anymore...
So I laugh... I wonder why... Why you couldn't just have looked, and seen me....
But it doesn't matter anymore
'cause your right... My faults are irreversible...

So I close my eyes... and put on my mask...
Because you don't wanna see me...

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