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Tigers in the night
Tigers in the night
Forfatter: Wiblemo
Skrevet: 2012-11-22 05:46:19
Version: 1.0
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Satin pillows gently caresses my face
whilst dreaming of you by my side
once we slept all summer nights
arms in arms, face to face
you and me, together, as night and day
once when we were young and unafraid
and dreams where undreamed,
wine untasted, songs unsong
she filled my life with endless wonder
then the cold autumn came along
and as the season’s changed
Like tigers who comes in the night
looking for preyers
another man stole her heart away
can you tell heaven from hell
and angels from demons
I had a dream
but life killed the dream I dreamed
a dream in time gone by
so slow

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