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Delusional grieving
Delusional grieving
Forfatter: anyone
Skrevet: 2015-05-02 19:04:33
Version: 1.0
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You’re moving around in this weird mechanic way
Almost falling over with every step you take
but at the same time you seem so aware of every limb of your body
When your eyes turn to me out of nowhere
I smile gently and act like I’m not aware that you’re drunk again
I watch you as you keep doing your mechanic walk
like a one year old taking its first steps
I watch you being watched by others
I watch you stop for a moment
Catching your breath
I watch you as you look around
You look like you’ve forgotten where you are and where you’re going
Like you’ve been sleepwalking and now woke up in the middle of the street
I watch you as you start walking again
I’m watching your legs carefully
How they seem to get tangled up with one other
and how you for some reason manage to not fall
I watch as you eventually stumble
and watch you grab the brick wall to stop yourself from falling
I watch you as you cross the corner not realizing there’s stairs
I watch you as you trip down the first step in slow motion
until you gain speed and stumble into a sandy haired girl
and you both fall down at the end of the stairs
I hear her crying
It’s the most horrible sound
and something inside of me makes me get up immediately and run to the stairs
I take one look at the ground
forgetting the girl is even there
Head is cracked
Legs misplaced
Blood puddle
I want to look away but I can’t
And the crying turns into yelling turns into screaming
and now I notice you
Your face violet as bruises
Blood on your hands and shin
I run down to get you
And I grab you
Lifting up your tiny body
so heavy with emotions I almost drop you
There’s nothing I can do but hold you
And you cling to my blue sweater
You cling to my body and grab hold of my skin
So helpless yet so strong
And I cling to you and your red dress
And as your tears fall onto my collar
I listen to your silent cries of sorrow
I cry for you
and I cry for everything bad that’s ever happened
And we sit like this for hours
Forgetting everything else but the pain
I make myself believe you understand me
You understand my pain

haleløs2015-06-07 18:49:23

he's watching his drunk wife tumble around, eventually falling down the stair and dragging someone else (the maid, perhaps?) with her in the fatal falling.
He's rushing to her; but not alarming paramedics nor police?

Hmmm... to me, the story sounds like and illogical dream ;)
sincerely ...
NB "Blood on your hands and shin" = sKin

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