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Forfatter: Hibiscus
Skrevet: 2018-07-17 23:21:18
Version: 1.0
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You are moving through my mind
Much like an artists brush on a canvas
Sweeping softly across my thoughts
You touch me just the right way
When you first touched me
it was like I already knew you

I'm facinated by your view of the world
You are not just one shade
But layers of vibrent colors
You are filled with a softness I can only admire
Mixed with dominans and strength
Your complexety compells me

You make me smile
Even when your not there to see it
Im in aahww when you sing
Your words captivate me
Your kisses excites me

I like you.. Maybe even more then I thought
You inspire me to write poetry obviously
That explains better then anything else, I think

I'm in utter facination with you

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