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Language of numbness
Language of numbness
Forfatter: BigNerdBeard
Skrevet: 2016-03-26 04:35:01
Version: 1.2
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I long to learn to accept
That things might get better
And we won't be stuck in an illness
That we convince ourselves is art
Because we lack the courage to understand
That freedom is a rarity
So uncommon that no one ever really has it
And we don't dare to face the truth
Of the matter that our emotions
Aren't like stars that shine along with the sun
Because the sensation of forgetfulness
That we learn along with the language of numbness
Aren't a substitute for happiness that we can use
As the relief that it offers is so fucked up
It's still there ever present in the world
Like the sun hiding behind its clouds of confusion
And the moon that's offering us a chance
To gaze upon something truly artistic and beautiful

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