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Are you okay
Are you okay
Forfatter: BigNerdBeard
Skrevet: 2015-03-14 20:46:31
Version: 1.0
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Are you okay
when you're far away
lost in dreams
and hopes
that a heavenly world
would adopt your tired soul
and a better place
would adopt the rest
of these people
the people who fight
daily for things to lighten
and become better
just a tiny bit better

Are you okay
when tears cloud
your eyes
and emotions so raw
and dark
makes them blacken
so that they
look more like
a charcoal drawing
than real life organs
the blue skye turns
to the black night
and light no longer reflects

Are you okay
when your mouth
curves upwards
in a smile
and show off those
white shiny pearls
but you posture
tells me that you are
done with this
that life has taken
it's toll on you
and that you are finally
ready to leave

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