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Bloody immortal ( tanker fra skuffen ) Engelsk.
Bloody immortal ( tanker fra skuffen ) Engelsk.
Forfatter: Eva Hald
Skrevet: 2012-03-29 15:02:28
Version: 1.0
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When I was a young girl I was kind of a wild one.
Not the running on the walls way, more a girl who was not afraid to try out new things.
I did not always see the consequences of my actions. I did not see the danger.
I climbed big trees, rooftops and skated on lakes in winter without checking the safety of the ice first.
Me and my friend made our own bows and arrows and, hidden in the ditch, we shot arrows after cars that passed by.
Once we climbed a chimney in a gravel pit. Just to stick our gum to the chimneytop.
As I grew older I learned that I could get hurt and die doing all this crazy stuff.
I was a teen,
I knew better.
And then you should think that the knowledge of the danger would keep the teen me safe. But no, I knew about the danger, but I just did not care. I drove cars with boys, hitchhiked my way home from town. Snuck out at night and worried my parents sick. Participated in fights, got really drunk and smoked weed.
I knew the reality but I also felt immortal.

One day something occurred,
I started to feel fear.
Not in the way of being afraid to die a painful death or not going to Heaven.
I had my first daugther and suddenly I was scared to death that I would not be alive to see her grow up.
I was scared that I would not see her as the woman she would become.
Be at her wedding, see her being a mom.
And me as a granny.
As more children were born I felt the fright even more.
Not only can I die, but my kids can die too.
The thought is so scary that I suppress it, most of the time.
It  is so painful and scary that it might become true, just by thinking the thought.
And my kids are fearless. Just like their mom was.

And now two of my children are teenage girls.
It scares the crap out of me, that I can't control where they are, who they are dating and how they react to danger.
The world I was teenager in, stands no more.
It was tough before, now it's even tougher.
There are so many types of drugs. Pills in shiny colors, that make you wanna dance until your body collapses. Alcohol that tastes like soda and cigarettes that taste like candy.

The me-teen  had a dirty hotline I could call from our landline phones listening to dirty old men moaning.
My kids have their own pc's from where they, free of charge, can use Twitter, Facebook, MSN, and a bunch of other sites.
They have cell phones with camera, sms, mms and internet.
If I was a dirty old man I would be in Heaven these days.
And I'm scared. I fear for their life every time they walk out the door.
We have so short lives where we are trying to survive untill death is inevitable.
I try to warn my children about the dangers out there. I tell them all the horror stories from the news and I see it in their eyes.
I see they get it, they understand.
But they just dont care, because they feel bloody immortal.

Reecha2012-03-29 15:35:58

Wow, du skriver virkelig godt :O
Det får virkelig en til at tænke over tingene (er selv 14, så det er noget af en øjenåbner for mig, selvom jeg aldrig har været med til sådan nogle ting.)
Eva Hald2012-03-29 15:44:13
:) Hvor er det skønt.. Tak

haleløs2012-03-29 16:04:08

Eva; det hedder 'bouncing off the walls' ;) ikk' læst heeelt færdig. venligst ...

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