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Forfatter: BigNerdBeard
Skrevet: 2015-03-13 01:31:41
Version: 1.3
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Scarlet. Deep red. The color of love and desire.

Ube. Dark purple. The color of mystery and magic.

Navy. Dark blue. The color of loyalty and trust.

Sky blue. Light blue. The color of serenity and infinity.

Earth yellow. Deep yellow. The color of courage and happiness.

Tulip. Soft pink. The color of innocence and hope.

haleløs2015-03-13 09:59:42

my sunsets show the ( CMYK primary-)color 'cyan' as well. To any use? sincerely ...
BigNerdBeard2015-03-13 14:11:01
No cyan can't be used. I chose these colors because 1. they are the colors of a sunset and 2. if you take the first letter in every color it spells sunset.

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