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The four seasons
The four seasons
Forfatter: BigNerdBeard
Skrevet: 2014-11-10 08:12:53
Version: 1.1
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I stand and think watching the snow glisten
It's beauty amaze me
Wrapping my heart in sadness

Wishing to be as pure as snow
I only hope to one day be as beautiful
I shiver feeling the cold breeze

I stand and think watching the sprouts grow
Their beauty amaze me
Wrapping my heart in wonder

Wishing to be as alive as the sprouts
I only hope to one day be as free
I sigh feeling the warm breeze

I stand and think watching the waves roll
Their beauty amaze me
Wrapping my heart in calmness

Wishing to be as steady as the seas
I only hope to one day be as strong
I squeal feeling the cold water

I stand and think watching the leaves fall
Their beauty amaze me
Wrapping my heart in hope

Wishing to be as free as the leaves
I only hope to one day be as capturing
I smile feeling the misty leaves

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