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Forfatter: BigNerdBeard
Skrevet: 2015-03-17 06:46:05
Version: 1.1
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I could paint you a picture
Oh so beautiful
With no colors at all
I could paint it only with bits and pieces
Of memories and history
A splash of red from my loving heart
Black from my broken sanity
I would color it yellow
With the help of constellations
Your constellations
I would give it a fleck of gold
And a hint of orange
Given to me by the sun
Green shadows and highlights
The color stolen from your eyes
I will paint it white
With your smile
And I will show you my masterpiece
In all it's glory
And you will recognize
The memories that helped color it
The memories that it is molded of
And the future that will one day finish it
It stands there practically glowing with our past
And you cry a single tear
And I take the blue
That fell from your eyes
And I paint the sky
And you whisper to me
'It is as close to perfection
As humans will ever get'

Fessor Frederik2015-03-18 21:04:34

I could paint it sorely with bits and pieces


1. painfully or grievously: sorely wounded.
2. pressingly or greatly: to be sorely taxed; he will be sorely missed


1. as the only one or ones: solely responsible.
2. exclusively or only: plants found solely in the tropics.
3. merely: She wanted solely to be noticed.

I would give it a flick of gold


a. A light quick blow, jerk, or touch: a flick of the wrist; gave my horse a flick with the reins.
b. The sound accompanying this motion.
2. A light splash, dash, or daub.


1. a speck; a small bit: a fleck of dirt.
2. a spot or small patch of color, light, etc.
3. to mark with flecks; spot; dapple.

molded out? of

formet af? Molded by X and made out of Y - as in molded by the craftsman in a mold of steel and made out of silver

It stands there practically glowing with our past!? Dont follow...

As humans will ever get/be able to perceive?

a. To become aware of (something) directly through any of the senses, especially sight or hearing: We could perceive three figures in the fog.
b. To cause or allow the mind to become aware of (a stimulus): The ear perceives sounds.
2. To achieve understanding of; apprehend: Einstein perceived that energy and matter are equivalent. See Synonyms at see1.
3. To regard or consider; deem: an old technology that is still perceived as useful; a politician who is perceived to be a dissembler.

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